Breastfeeding is not just
feeding your hungry child, it is the most beautiful way of connecting with our
child. More than having food it is the emotional reassurance a child
seeking from his/her mother by way of breastfeeding. By nurturing your child,
you are telling them, I am here for you -A HEARTBEAT AWAY. Irrespective of the
fact that( all around the globe) health professionals are trying to promote
breastfeeding -as it is so important for Infant health- under today’s settings,
is it possible for us (mothers) to feed our hungry offspring in public without the fear of camera phones
(and later appear in some wearied whatsapp share)? OR at least a few people
around you, whispering to each other ‘ how dare she is?’( looking at you and
your child as some ugly creature falling out of the sky).
I breastfeed my 15 month old son. He got severe food allergies and he can’t have
any other milk other than breast milk. In addition to this when his eczema breaks
out the only thing which can console my poor soul is the warmth of my heart. As
the outbreaks are uncertain, it may come when we are out in for shopping or in
his playground. Then my adorable comes to me crying, demanding my attention in the
best way I can provide. The solution is to breastfeed him. Keep him close to
myself (If it is possible I go to the car to feed him or find a secure place
like ladies wash-room).
Like any other mother I always
try to keep it minimal and modest. Though, there will be a situation where you have
your weeping boy scratching himself till
bleed out of desperation, trying to undress you for his food and then the only
option left out is, rather than creating a scene, is to give him his food ASAP.
Then again on many occasions while doing so, my friends warned me about cameras
& staring eyes. By way of giving my child his feed I am not expressing
myself in public. As I use extra layers
I make sure that I am fully covered. Even then I have seen people
raising their eyebrows, men with that’ look’ in their eyes which makes you feel
naked and equally a culprit of some awkward crime. You feel like shouting ‘you
also grew with this, so please understand and go away’. This sort of
surroundings make me nervous. If a mother is nervous it passes to the child and
they became stressed out. So it will take longer to settle them. So it took longer
for my son to settle in and it is the same case with many fellow nursing mothers I
talk to.
The United Kingdom it is a mothers legal right[i] to nurse her child, unless you are in a one sex[ii]
protected place and if someone's[iii]
actions is disturbing her right to nurse then that amounts to sex
discrimination. The protection covers you as long as you and your child decides
to continue nursing. You can find similar provisions in many legal systems, for example Affordable Care ACT 2010 and many state breastfeeding laws in The United States, Federal Law and Sex discrimination Act in Australia are trying to uphold a mothers nursing right.
Coming back to India, Unfortunately we don't have any legal right, what we have is moral police all around. So it is time to raise our voice against those eyes leading to a hungry child's lips. Positives are in Kerala, where I belong to there is special places in Hospitals and public parks for mothers ( I hope it is in all hospitals and public parks).
Coming back to India, Unfortunately we don't have any legal right, what we have is moral police all around. So it is time to raise our voice against those eyes leading to a hungry child's lips. Positives are in Kerala, where I belong to there is special places in Hospitals and public parks for mothers ( I hope it is in all hospitals and public parks).
So my request to all is
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